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We welcome 2 new legends in Eagle : the legendary troll phacrum and Rapture!

Views: 1860 | Added by: CuBe | Date: 2015-07-06 | Comments (1)

Today is a good day. Our beloved frenchman joins Eagle.
Yes ofcourse, we are talking about Pipou!




Views: 1820 | Added by: CuBe | Date: 2014-11-19 | Comments (0)

Yesterday, Akira came for an unexpected visit ! She is inactive right now but she wanted to come say hello !


Thanks for the visit Akira! Hope to see you back in action soon.

Views: 1956 | Added by: CuBe | Date: 2014-08-05 | Comments (0)

The most famous number of them all, 645654 joined our clan !
He's a fun guy to play with and he's skilled aswell. After playing some time with him we decided that he was perfect for a clan like Eagle.

Welcome !

Views: 1828 | Added by: CuBe | Date: 2014-08-03 | Comments (0)

Today we invited Micro into our clan and he accepted the offer! He is not only extremely skilled but also very friendly.
Welcome Micro !

Views: 820 | Added by: CuBe | Date: 2014-07-31 | Comments (1)

Eagle is back !

Eagle clan has changed it's concept. From now on it's Eagle consists of people who were invited by =Typhoon= and myself, Eagle won't be a 'clan' like the other clans.  Consider Eagle more like a small community of people who are fun or worthy of having the Eagle title. There is no point in asking to join, we invite players.

Since the concept has totally changed,  we won't let the newer members wear the old Eagle clantag. This way we seperate the members from the old concept and the new ones. If an old member gets to rejoin, they can use the old clantag.

We don't expect anything from our new members. We just think they are worthy of having Eagle as their clan. It can be by being very funny, or being a nice player in general.


Current Eagle consists of :

Par ... Read more »

Views: 621 | Added by: CuBe | Date: 2014-07-27 | Comments (0)

Today is the day I close Eagle, since the clan is inactive and there is nothing more to do. I would like to thank all the players who were/are in Eagle. I have great memories from all of this. Hope to still hear from you all.



Views: 921 | Added by: CuBe | Date: 2013-09-25 | Comments (0)

 Hi guys.

After looking at how the clan is going, and evaluating it, I came to the decision that Eagle isn't what Eagle used to be. Several times I went with an unknown name on teeworlds to look at how the members their behaviour is. Most of the time it was alright, but not always.

Also, I disagree with some of the decisions that have been made. For this reason I have decided to restructure the clan again. I will bring back 1 of our old members in our clan:


I will also remove following players from our roster:

- Avo
- Feuerball
- Virus2k
- Captain
- BooNi

Allthough this might seem a bit harsh from my side. I believe it's for the best.
Also, it's not certain yet if our beloved =Delo= will stay in the clan, because he was leading the current clan with Avo. Let's hope he will stay with us.

PS. I do not hate anyone from the list above, and I have only seen bad actions from a few of you. But I decided to ta ... Read more »
Views: 1065 | Added by: CuBe | Date: 2013-02-03 | Comments (0)



a merry Christmas to you all and the best wishes for health, happiness and prosperity!
We hope Santa strikes off to you with a lot of gifts!


The Eagle-Team

(Picture by Chrome)
Views: 771 | Added by: Delo | Date: 2012-12-24 | Comments (1)

Eagle was inactive for some time but now is the time to start new!
As Cube and Typhoon fell in love with League of Legends I will be the new leader (they are
still Leader who are online one day in a year xD )
The CoLeader position is reserved for a good friend of mine called Avo
who added a brand new chatbox to the page and started to host five Eagle-Clanserver.
All of the exmembers who are interested in rejoining the clan please contact me via skype and for those who are new: You find a application thread in the forum with rules etc.

Have fun on the page and see ya soon!

Views: 812 | Added by: =Delo= | Date: 2012-11-19 | Comments (3)

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